Friday, August 30, 2013

One week down, a whole lot of thinking to go.  Read the following story and relate it to "THE DARK FOREST" in Things Fall Apart.  Is it possible for a place to be overtaken by evil?  Think globally about how good and evil battle it out, specifically in a place or location.


  1. As I first began reading this article I immediately related it to the Dark Forest. Both locations were very similar because because they were viewed as evil dark places where God could not enter, but ultimately He prevailed. The two places are also similar because they both involve a place that was undesirable where groups were sent. In the case of the article the people who returned to the building after the abortion clinic was inside were not phased by the fact that many terrible actions took place inside the building. Much like the clinic the missionaries still wanted to live in the Dark Forest even though the Dark Forest was a terrible place to the natives. The Dark Forest was a place where babies were buried, and the abortion clinic was where babies were killed. Although all of these terrible actions took place there was still the ability of God to show his presence, even when it seemed like all hope was lost. In the case of the Dark Forest. The natives believed that the missionaries would not be able to survive in the Dark Forest so they sent them to it, but God was able to show that he is still present even when it seemed that there was no possibility of surviving.

    Although all of the villagers believed that the Dark Forest was overtaken by evil it was apparent in the end that the forest was not overtaken by evil. The forest may have had evil in it, but there was always the presence of God. The abortion clinic was the same way. It had many terrible actions taking place in it, but it was never completely taken over by evil. This is very important to remember because people often think that there is no hope when something bad happens, but there is still hope, as long as there is faith.

    In a global preservative where good and evil battle, good always prevails in the end. There have been numerous times throughout history where terrible events have occurred. One example would be the Holocaust. This event was terrible, and at the time seemed like humanity was doomed, but in the end good prevailed and the concentration camps were liberated. The same thing happens with wars. They sometimes seem as if they will last forever, but in time they do in fact end and there is a compromise. The important factor is patience. If people wait to see the outcome there is always good in the end.

    1. Kraus,

      I like how you linked the Evil Forest and the abortion clinic. I agree that both places were home to the murdering of those who were considered undesirable. Your blog clearly shows that God is able to overcome any circumstances which I agree 100%. I really liked your example with the Holocaust. I do believe that some good came out of the situation, even though it was an awful time. I like how you threw in patience at the end of your blog. I found that to be very interesting and very true. Great job!

    2. Kraus,
      Your blog this week was really good. You illustrated the difference between good and evil very well. Your example of the Holocaust is also really wonderful. It is such an interesting topic, but I think that its incorporation into this blog was good. Nice job!

    3. Luke Krause,
      Heck of a blog! I liked the last paragraph where you had a global perspective. Your example with the Holocaust was great! I agree that God always prevails in terrible times, especially in notable times in history. The point you made with the patience was really good. Good job!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That was a really wonderful article. It is such a story of hope, reclaiming a building to being once again a place to praise God. It certainly gets me thinking about all the times good has claimed its supremacy over evil. However, is it even true of us to believe in this victory of goodness? Has goodness been reclaimed or did it ever truly belong to the Grand Rapids building at all?

    I personally do not believe that a place can be completely overtaken by evil. Evil is a state of mind, not a state of being. Wars are not generally fought out of simple malice, but rather out of a disagreement over an idea. Were the Crusades fought because the Muslims believed they were evil for taking the Holy Lands from the Catholics and simply did it to spite them? Of course not! They believed the land was rightfully theirs. It is only the Catholics who viewed the group as evil, and vice versa.

    Even globally recognized acts of evil are only the product of perception. Even when Stalin killed thousands of people within the Ukraine from 1932 to 1933, he did so with a motive that was not simply to be torturous or baneful. It was done to keep himself in power, for he selfishly did not see the good in the Ukraine declaring its independence. Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so to is the concept of evil.

    The situation in Michigan definitely possesses many correlations to the Evil Forest in Things Fall Apart. Both places, at one time, were locations considered to be "good". The Evil Forest was once just a forest, a creation of God, but later grew to be considered "evil" by the Igbo people. Same goes for the building located in Grand Rapids, Michigan. However, it must be recognized that both of these places are merely physical locations. They themselves cannot contain the quality of being "good" or "evil". They are simply physical representations of an idea that people have come to associate with the building or location.

    This truth becomes apparent when the Christians infiltrate the villages of the Igbo people. The village natives feared the forest and its powers to destroy. The Christians, not having grown up in the native culture, did not believe in the depraved nature of the forest. Therefore, they had no fear in building their Church there. Even in this situation the notion of evil cannot be universally recognized as being concentrated in a single spot, or even existing at all It remains a matter of perception.

    The topic of good and evil is very interesting to me. And equally complicated. This article appears to illustrate a classic story of good triumphing over evil, however, I find that it is rather a story of a single place being perceived in several different lights, as most stories are.

  4. Danielle,

    I think that this blog was well written. You had many good ideas and used great examples to support them. I like how you said evil is a state of mind, rather than an actual thing. I think that is a great was of looking at it. Your examples were also well done. I think that your example of the Crusades was very relevant. I think that the example tied in your idea of evil being a state of mind well because it showed how the reason for war was not hatred, but rather a disagreement on the two sides over what was who's. Overall, I think that you did a great job on this blog, keep it up.

    1. Danielle,

      I think that your blog was very well written and I agree with Luke that your examples are very good. I also found the example of the Crusade to be interesting, especially since we discussed it during theology. I found your as sennet on evil to be very interesting. After giving it some thought I do think that evil could be a matter of perception. This is because evil isn't really distinct, we may think one group is evil and they might think the same thing about us. So, it really can go both ways. Overall, I think that you did a great job!

  5. My faith in humanity is restored. Haha! I never actually lost faith in the human race, that’s just a nice phrase to mention after I read or hear something that makes me feel good inside. Honestly, though, the article about the abortion center that turned pro-life is simply uplifting. It is also a great article to compare to some happenings in Things Fall Apart.

    The Evil Forest in Things Fall Apart is rather comical to me. How can one random forest be totally consumed by evil and malevolence? How does someone determine that? Who came up with the grand idea of labeling a wooded area as “evil” and proclaim that anyone who enters it will perish? At first, I thought it was all a silly concept, but after reading the abortion article my perspective has changed. There are “evil forests” in the world today. Abortion centers are prime examples.

    A building on 72 Ransom Street was the evil forest of Grand Rapids, Michigan. It was an abortion center. Humans died there. Worse yet, humans that were undesired died there. It is crazy how a place in a fictional book can have so much resemblance to a place that exists today. People that were seen as unfit or unworthy to live in the village were sent to the evil forest to die. Babies that are not good enough or unwanted are taken to the abortion center to die. It is heart breaking that the latter part is true. Fortunately, there is a better similarity between the book and real life.

    There is evil in the world today. There is no doubt about that. Every human has witnessed some form of wickedness in their lifetime, and can attest that sin and horror do in fact exist within places. This is a scary thought, but one must realize that there is a stronger force that can easily conquer evil – God. The battle of good and evil in the world is constantly ongoing, but it is comforting to know that good usually prevails over evil. There are classic examples in Things Fall Apart and Grand Rapids, Michigan that display the sweet victory of good.

    In Things Fall Apart the white missionaries build a church on the evil forest. The missionaries believed in God, and tried to convert the people of the village to believe in God as well. In the Christian’s eyes, that is a solid example of good entering and taking over an evil place. In Grand Rapids the abortion center was eventually overcome by a Pro-life complex. This organization seeks to place pregnancy centers wherever abortion centers exist. These two instances show that a place can in fact be evil, but the power of God is stronger than any evil force. The battle between good and evil is a struggle that haunts every person every day, but having a strong faith and trust that God will prevail through the temptations and sins is what gives Christians and other people hope. Even if a place seems to be totally evil, God is lurking somewhere in its presence, waiting to claim it to be His own.

  6. Rachel,

    I enjoyed your blog. I think that you had some really great points. I liked how you said that there are still "evil forests" in our modern society. I never thought of it like that, but that is a great point. I also liked how you made a connection between the evil forest and the abortion clinic by saying people were killed in both, but the children were undesirable in both instances. Nice blog!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. The abortion clinic is easily relatable to the Evil Forest because both are considered very dark places. The Evil Forest is closely linked to death, because this is where the tribe disposes of their unwanted members. This is where Okonkwo's adopted son is murdered and where the twins are left to die. This is very similar to the abortion clinic because babies are killed there all the time. Both are extremely evil places and are home to many horrible deeds. In both places there were instances were unwanted children were killed. It really is a scary thought that the abortion clinic and the forest can have so much resemblance. While I was reading the book I was appalled by the murdering of Ikemefuna and the twins, but similar instances happen in our society today in abortion clinics.

    I do not think that it is possible for a place to be overtaken by evil. This is because essentially the abortion clinic's building is not evil, just like the Evil Forest's trees are not evil. What makes these locations evil are the acts that are preformed there. This is why one place cannot be labeled as evil. What makes these locations seem evil are what has happened inside the walls. It just so happens that some people made bad decisions while present in the building. It is these decisions that make the abortion clinic seem evil. Just like the forest, the reason that it is considered evil is because of deeds performed there.

    I am a firm believer in the fact that good will always win no matter what. This is because people are generally good in nature. Take 9/11 for example, it was a terrible day for Americans and many people did die. However, good prevailed because many first responders risked their lives to try to save as many people as possible. There are so many stories of how ordinary people made a huge difference because they helped in every way that they could. Everyone in the area worked to save as many lives as possible. Others farther away from New York donated money to help the victims, but most of all people prayed. People prayed for the safety of loved ones and for those that died. It truly was a very tragic day in our country's history. But, I cannot think of another time that we as a country became more unselfish. All of a sudden race and social status had no meaning. All that was valued during this awful time was life. Sometimes it is the worst events that bring out the best in people. It is times of crisis that we as society start to think more about others rather than ourselves. There will always be good and evil in our world, because there will always be good and evil in people. Some people chose to act on their good side more than their bad side, while others do the opposite. There will always be this constant struggle but good will always win, because God will always side with the good.

    1. Michaela,
      This was an awesome blog. You had a great example with 9/11. It is true that the country became extremely unselfish during this time and that was very welcome. If it would stay that way it would be great, but I digress. This was very well written. I liked that you said that you are a firm in believer that good will always prevail. That is a good belief to have. Good blog!

    2. Michaela,

      The 9/11 example was wonderful! It was such a positive spin on a day that most only associate with horror. It was extremely effective in illustrating your belief that even in darkness there is always light. That good will always triumph over evil.

      In your introductory paragraph I liked how you used the word "scary" to describe the similarities between the Evil Forest and the abortion clinic. It really is, as you say, scary and you found a great deal of similarities to make your point.

      Lovely job as always, Michaela.

  9. Evil is a strong force in today’s society. Most people are worried about something bad happening to them that causes their world to crumble. Evil, however, can only enter someone’s life if they allow it to. There is only darkness in one’s heart if they refuse to accept the light. In the case of the abortion clinic taking over the church evil is only partially present. I think abortion is absolutely wrong. There is no good reason for this practice, but others don’t view it that way. Evil is really all about perspective.

    This story relates to the “Evil Forest” very well actually. To the Ibo people it is viewed as an unholy place that brings nothing but death and destruction. That is what people believe about abortion clinics as well. They see this place as evil because of what is practiced there, not for the place itself. That church was once a holy place where people worshipped God. It was then turned into a place where people willingly murdered babies. The Evil Forest is where people who had had twins were forced to leave their children to die. These are places of evil based on what is practiced there, and not the place itself. The “Evil Forest” is a place that is used to symbolize the presence of evil in everyone’s life, but it doesn’t mean that people have to give into that evil. The Christians fought to show the good in that place to the Ibo people, and they did the same to rescue that church in Michigan from the hands of darkness.

    I don’t think that somewhere can be fully taken over by evil. Evil is all about the way that someone looks at a situation. What is evil to one is not to another. This makes it impossible for one place to be fully distinguished as evil. The other part of that is that in every place of darkness there is a little light. Even the most horrid of people have a place of light in their heart and their mind. It is that light that keeps the human race moving forward. If people only filled their hearts with darkness the world would have been destroyed by now. This is the same for a place. There can be a negative history to a place, but when it is used for good then the negative history is gone. Everyone and everything can be salvaged from evil. This is one of the greatest teachings of God, and it is 100% true.

    In the case of the abortion clinic the similarities are striking. Both were used for death and destruction. They were also saved by God, however. These are both examples of the saving power of God. He helps to prevent evil in the world, and is able to take it away where it already exists. Nothing is impossible with God.

    1. Megan,

      Nice blog! I loved how you used a lot of symbolism. I also really liked the beginning of your third paragraph. Evil is all about the way that someone looks at a certain situation. That is so true! It was well stated, and everything you said was so true. Great job!

    2. Megan McKenna,

      I respect the use of symbolism in your blog. I like how you explained that the "evil forest" was simply a symbol that represented evil. It was up to the people whether they would give into the evil or not. I really enjoy that outlook. It makes sense, and I also like how you applied it globally as well by saying that it applies to how people can choose whether to let evil into their hearts or not. You made a great comparison between Things Fall Apart and the article. Very nice, Megan!

  10. Evil is a force in today's society that is very hard to avoid. Evil is everywhere, but the only way that it can have an affect you is if you let it affect you. Evil is implied by today's society, and even though it is hard to avoid, it is possible with the help of God. The only thing that can completely dominate evil is God.

    Which brings me to the question: is it possible for a place to be overtaken by evil? Yes it is possible, but a place cannot be permanently taken over, because in the end God will prevail. Like the abortion clinic: it was taken over by evil, but in the end God came out on top. Same as in the Evil Forest: that too was conquered by evil, but in the end God conquers all. The people who are evil make the place evil, but there is a little bit of good deep down inside everyone. Take St. Augustine for example. He was a terrible kid when he was young, but eventually found God and turned his life completely around. Evil can't overcome God no matter how bad things seem to be.

    Another similarity that I realized were, as Megan said, both places were used for death. There is some light in every thing, place and person. Evil can overcome these things, but it can't COMPLETELY ruin it. Good things always come as a result from bad. For example, the entire nation united for Sandy Hook and the Boston Bombings. I bet there were some terrible people that helped out with these incidents, that in the end became better people. In fact some might have even found God in their lives.

    The point is that wherever there is bad in the world, God can be found giving out his goodness. So there is a little bit of hope in the human race. In fact there always was. Everything can be restored to goodness, as long as people are willing to invest good onto that thing whatever it happens to be. So to end this blog: a place cannot be completely overtaken by evil, but it can have evil in it. In the end God will prevail.

    1. Matt,

      I'm so happy your in this class, Matt! I'll be excited to read your blogs.

      I found your post particularly interesting because it was in opposition to several other people's, including myself. You said that a place or being could be taken over completely by evil, but not permanently because in the end God would eliminate the malevolent forces. I suppose when I read the question, I took the idea of being completely overrun by evil to mean that it would permanently remain in its state of evilness, so it was interesting to see how you interpreted the question.

      Your example of St. Augustine was creative and relevant. Very good. Your blog had a very inspiring and uplifting feel and I liked it very much. Nice job, Matt.

    2. Matt Bobby,

      Yes! I totally agree with you that a place can be totally evil, but God will always prevail in the end! It's so true, and I'm glad you think the same way. I also really enjoy how you said there is light in everything. I conquer with that as well. There is hope for the human race. I like how you went outside of the box and mentioned shootings and bombings, and how they may seem like atrocities but they also make people stronger as well. Fabulous blog, Matt!

  11. Excellent work! I am so happy with all of you.
